Happy New Year, everyone! May the year 2023 be lacking in unsustainable and wasteful things, and plentiful in uplifting and future-building activities for all of us! If you haven’t decided on a new year resolution yet, we recommend that you set reachable goals, preferably something that you are already on your way to achieving, or at least have noticed that you want to put energy into to changing. That way, you increase your chances of succeeding, and setting yourself up for success is way healthier than setting yourself up for failure.
We met last Tuesday, where we talked about how dreams can be helpful in unlocking old traumas. You can watch or re-watch the introduction, what happens before we start the actual work, on our YouTube channel. The video is available with English subtitles for those of you who don’t understand Norwegian. Links are listed below.
We talked about a couple of dreams, and even though they seemed straight forward at first, they revealed some heavy traumas, and things that needed work. One of the dreams we will follow up on in tonight’s workshop, where the topic will be how trauma treatment can change your future, and give you more control over your own life going forward.
We start at 20.30 CET, and meet up for about an hour and a half. The workshop will be in Norwegian. If you want to sign up for the workshop in English, you can do so on the contact page of our website. The direct link is listed below.
Our workshops are meant to be for anyone and everyone. You don’t need any background knowledge or special skills to participate, and you may choose to just listen and learn, or share and contribute actively. Your own experience will, of course, depend on whether you are active or passive, but we have room for all. We recognize that we are all on different places on our paths, and we encourage you to respect your own limitations, but also to challenge yourself to ensure growth.
This year, we will start our course series with the first course ‘Perceiving and quantifying’. As soon as the course is full, we will start. We have a subscription based tuition fee, with affordable prices, where you pay for a month, and get access to all classes. Remember that if you cannot afford putting money into an education right now, we offer our services for free. We don’t want to contribute to more hardship in the world, and we want everyone to be able to learn the INNATE method, to be able to contribute in making this world trauma free. So, if it is the financials that holds you back, sign up now. The sooner the course is full, the sooner we can start the work! You can read about the content of our first course on our web-page, and sign up now. The direct links is listed below.
We hope you enjoy this time of the year, with the energy we are blessed with, to work on building the future you wish for. We are ready to continue our work, both together with you when we meet, and also in publishing our work on our different channels. We continue to work on our web-page, and Ole continues reading from his book for you. You can find us on different platforms, under the name ‘The INNATE one’. We have linked to the most updated below.
Thank you for sharing a bit of your path with us, and for being willing to work on yourself, to make this world better for all of us. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have questions or suggestions of any kind. We will see you tonight. And bring a friend. The more the merrier!
Link for tonight’s workshop in Norwegian: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84884146411?pwd=YmNydlQ2aWdsdnEwdld4K3EzZnBSQT09
If you are asked for a passcode, please use this one: 705084
Have a great day, everyone!
Ole and Linda

If you want to receive our newsletter directly in your email, please SUBSCRIBE by sending us a message here: https://www.innate.one/contact/
Link to the Norwegian playlist with videos from our workshops: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLr-6ejeq-VcLxt_vSBrRllIBsfaLMcT3V
Link to the English playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLr-6ejeq-VcJVjNt8aQJoLv3_nmmlZpYd
Link to the playlist where Ole reads from his book: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLr-6ejeq-VcJka2WU1ER25s3jYJedE9Db
Go here to sign up for our first course, or to reserve your spot in the next workshop: https://www.innate.one/contact/
If you have any questions or comments, please let us know: https://www.innate.one/contact/