Tuesday’s workshop on conflicts was yet another successful evening together, and we got to discuss several important things. We worked on the rather common issue with the struggle to be perfect and not allowing oneself to make mistakes or to be criticized, and also the conflicts we experience when we make unorthodox choices for ourselves and our family, knowing we risk attracting unwanted attention. We will not show you everything that happened, but you can watch or re-watch the introduction directly on our YouTube channel ‘The INNATE one’. The direct link is listed below.
Solstice is approaching, and this time of the year is perfect for work. Both internal and external. We continue working on our school, and on ourselves. And on making firewood for next year. All equally meaningful when living as spiritual beings in a material world. The word work represents many different things, but generally it represents positivity and surplus, regardless of where you choose to put your focus. The key word here being choose; make sure to actively choose where you put your energy, and to avoid conflicts by acting consciously. It doesn’t matter if your choice was not the perfect one, as long as you continue mowing forward, acting in your life and working to avoid new conflicts.
Next Tuesday we will focus on to the topic of self forgiveness, and the importance of dealing with yourself in the past as another person all together. The feeling of guilt and shame can stand in the way of healing old traumas, prohibiting us from reaching our full potential. Please feel free to share this newsletter with anyone you wish, and to invite your friends and family for the workshop as well.
We have added a ‘questions and answers’ segment, and you might want to ask for help with a specific problem you have, or maybe you have a question you need answered, like ‘does he want to be with me’, or ‘should I apply for this job’. We will also, as usual, work with one of you on the topic of the evening, if you wish. And, of course, we will continue sending our focused, loving intentional attention to the world, helping with releasing some of the suffering in the world today.
If you are on Facebook, and you want to share our newsletters or YouTube videos there, you can do so via our page INNATE.one, or you can share the newsletters directly from our web-page. The link to our Facebook page is listed below.
You can sign up for the first course now. We will start up in the new year, as soon as we have enough participants. When you sign up via our contact form, feel free to write a comment about what day and time suits you the best. If many of you have specific wishes, we will do a doodle or similar poll to find the best time for all of us. Also, don’t forget that we are offering our courses and workshops for free also after New Years, for those of you who cannot afford to pay for an education now. No questions asked – just sign up!
Have a productive Saturday!
Ole and Linda

Link to the YouTube video from Tuesday’s introduction on conflicts: https://youtu.be/HEEntnj9m-c
Our Facebook page if you wish to connect: https://www.facebook.com/theinnateone
Go here to sign up for our first course, or to reserve your spot in the next workshop: https://www.innate.one/contact/
If you have any questions or comments, please let us know: https://www.innate.one/contact/
Read more about our courses here: https://www.innate.one/courses/
If you want to receive our newsletter directly in your email, please SUBSCRIBE by sending us a message here: https://www.innate.one/contact/
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