We dedicate tonight’s workshop to your questions. A classic Q & A. No question too big or too small. It can bee questions regarding the INNATE method, a specific trauma or problem your might have, how you can help your child with a specific problem, what we did in the course this weekend, if you are indecisive whether you should join next course or not, and whatever else related to our work that you want an answer to.
The workshop starts at 20:30 CET, and open the doors at 20:15, tonight Tuesday 7th of February, and we hope to see you there. This meeting will be a great opportunity to bring a friend who is not yet familiar with our work, so do feel free to share this information with someone you think would benefit from working on their own traumas, and who is ready to take charge of their destiny!
Here is the link for the meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82980297659?pwd=MlFKQkEzbnViZ2FkN1Aybk5XV0MvZz09
And if you are asked for a passcode, this one will solve your problem: 948669
Inquisitive regards,
Ole and Linda

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