Happy winter Tuesday, everyone, and welcome to our workshop tonight. We will be talking about how our subconscious mind communicates with our body through different channels, and what it might be trying to tell us. Because there is so much important knowledge to discuss regarding this topic, we will focus on one of the channels of communication tonight; dreams.
Have you ever experienced the phenomenon of reoccurring dreams, or had a dream that made such a great impression on you that even years later you still remember it? In relation to what we are doing with the INNATE method, and how we use different entrances to unlock old conflicts and traumas, we will work together on one or more of your dreams tonight, and find out what it is trying to tell you.
If you want to read the groundbreaking and detailed book—‘Trauma is thing of the past’—that gives you the power to become happier and healthier through systematic use of telepathic trauma healing, but are too busy, why not listen to the author reading it, on our YouTube channel? The book ties together our inner world with the outer, both very locally, in our bodies, and also geopolitically and historically. The link to the playlist on our YouTube channel is listed below, and do feel free to share it with anyone who likes a good read, and might be in the need of some trauma work. (Hint: we all are!)
Link for tonight’s workshop: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87289017765?pwd=SDU2NmIzOFk4YmMyT2I0ZTg5NTRDUT09
If you are asked for a passcode, please use this one: 016376
See you tonight!
Ole and Linda

Link to the playlist where Ole reads from his book: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0UFkfgh-bs&list=PLr-6ejeq-VcJka2WU1ER25s3jYJedE9Db
Go here to sign up for our first course, or to reserve your spot in the next workshop: https://www.innate.one/contact/
If you have any questions or comments, please let us know: https://www.innate.one/contact/
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