Tonight, Tuesday 14th of February, we will meet for our open workshop. We open the “doors” at 20:15 CET, and start at 20:30. Tonight’s topic is “Human robots”, and how and why we are restrained from acting as our true selves, and instead become slaves.
We had a follow-up workshop for the course attendees Sunday, and it was good to meet again with those who were able, and discuss some of the things we experienced during the course. We plan a new round of the first course, ‘Perceiving and quantifying’ soon, before we continue with course number two. So if you didn’t get the chance to participate in the previous course, we encourage you to read about the course on our web-page, and sign up if you think you will benefit from it.
The direct link to the course description is listed below, as well as our contact page to sign up. If you are in doubt if the course is for you, please call or write us, so we can clear up any possible misunderstandings before you decide. It is a practical course, focusing on our INNATE abilities to perceive and quantify any feelings and sensations that we might have. This is the important first step on the way to mastering the ability of releasing own traumas.
On the 17th to the 19th of March, we will have a stand at a fair near Trondheim, Norway, where we will sell the book, “Trauma is a thing of the past”, give lectures, and talk to people out in the real world. For two Aquarians living in a small secluded village, this is quite an adventure! We are exited about the fair, and if you happen to be in the area, please come see us for a chat. We would love to meet you in person.
Link for tonight’s workshop:
Passcode, in case you need it: 706621
See you tonight!
Ole and Linda

Link to the first course, ‘Perceiving and quantifying’:
Sign up for the next course here:
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