It has been a while since the last time you had news from us, but we are alive and kicking, and are preparing for the Level 1 class this coming weekend, April 15 and 16. We still have a couple of free spots, so if you want to participate, let us know! The class is mandatory if you want to do the Level 2 class in May. You can read what some of our former Level 1-students experienced on our website, and also more about both the upcoming classes.

We hope you all have enjoyed the Easter holiday. We have spent time with family and friends, been out in nature, and also had time to finish this year’s wood production. As we heat our house almost entirely with wood, we need quite a bit to keep us warm through the year. Physical work like chopping wood is a delight, and is also perfect for practising and strengthening the connection to your body. What do you do to practise this connection?

Before Easter we had three exiting days in Kristiansand for the ‘alternative fair’ there, where we met lovely people, had interesting talks, and smiled and laughed a lot!
Some of the visitors got 1-1 sessions with Ole, where he took them on a journey within themselves, leading the way and helping release old traumas in his caring, safe way. Everyone we met greeted us and the INNATE method with open arms and minds, and contributed to our lovely experience. Thank you to those of you who where there!

A couple of days ago we went hiking, and had an interesting meeting that was both refreshing and delightful. Even though the man’s story was sad, his whole presence reminded us of how much good we can do in the world if only we dare listen to our fellow beings, if we take the time to look each other in the eyes, if we dare open up and be vulnerable. We all experience losses and struggles in this life. And more importantly; we all have what it takes to get through the hurdles! If only we dare believe it, and are willing to do what it takes.
Are you willing to do what it takes to improve your life experience here in this magical world to make your life better? Join our Level 1 class next weekend, and kick-start your journey towards mastering the INNATE method!
Go to to learn more.
Spring-full greetings,
Ole and Linda

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