Tuesday marked the beginning of the School of the INNATE one. It was a brilliant start, and we were very pleased to see so many of you there. We started with a short introduction to what trauma is, and how telepathy plays an important part in both creating and dissolving them.
In short, telepathy is a means of communication, and it allows us to send messages from the person to the soul, regardless of time and, of course, space as well. This means that we can, among other things, communicate with the one we used to be, our former self. The introduction that explains this more thoroughly, and also shortly what trauma is, is available in Norwegian for those of you who want to hear, or re-hear it. You can find it on our YouTube channel ‘The INNATE one’, and the direct link is listed below.
The theme of this first workshop was anxiety, because we see a lot of that in people today. Both in the younger generation, where it has become a household word for explaining a certain mood, and also the older generations. Much of it can probably be explained with the political situation in the world today, where many of us are overwhelmed with negative news stories. But we must not forget that traumas we have experienced early in life, and also in previous lives, can lead to anxiety. Often so-called unexplained or chronic anxiety derives from these older traumas.
One of the attendees was so brave as to share their anxiety related problem with the rest of us. It was a pretty dramatic session, but after a good fifteen minutes of hard work, we were able to release the trauma that had been deeply buried, and had inhibited the flow of life. The spontaneous reaction of relief and joy, and the comment that ‘I am able to breathe freely for the first time in a long time’ was really such an important confirmation that the work we do simply has to be shared with the rest of our fellow beings.
In the third part of the workshop, where we intended to give relief to the World’s anxiety, we did not reach our full potential. We could use some more experience, so therefore, next time we will add more instructions in that part, so that we succeed even better, and so it will be easier for you to follow and to contribute directly with your own telepathic skills.
Next week’s topic will be relationships. Do feel free to send us suggestions via our contact form on our web-page. We are more than happy to hear from you! Also, maybe you think you would like to work with a problem of your own that fits the topic in our next free workshop. It might feel a bit overwhelming, but according to our brave volunteer from last Tuesday, it is well worth it! Remember, that no issue is unique, and that we all have traumas. The space we hold in the School of the INNATE one is always free of shame, blame and other re-traumatizing feelings and ambiances. We are here to learn.
We will send out the link to next week’s workshop on Tuesday morning, so do share this newsletter with anyone that might also benefit from trauma healing, so that they get the invitation as well. We will do these free workshops every Tuesday in December, and we look forward to seeing you, and working together to heal the traumas inhibiting us from a happy, thriving life.
See you Tuesday!
Ole and Linda

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