We will meet for a new workshop tonight, at 20.30 CET. Tonight’s topic is conflicts. With conflict we mean when you are in a situation where you have two or more choices, and you are unable to pick one of them, and therefore not able to move forward. We experience this every day, and some conflicts are big, others small. You can prepare for tonight by visualizing a conflict you are experiencing these days. What are the two (or more) choices you have, and what is keeping you from choosing? You might want to write your thoughts and observations down on a piece of paper, or at least make a clear visualisation of what the conflict consists of before we meet tonight.
Also, tonight we will add a ‘questions and answers’ section, where you can get help with a specific problem or get an answer to a specific question. Therefore, we will get to spend an extra half hour together tonight—yay! Maybe you will feel that it is a bit out of your comfort zone to bring forward a personal problem in the group, but it might help in overcoming your fear to remember that we all struggle with more or less the same problems, so you asking a question will without doubt be helpful for someone else in the group as well. The INNATE method is, and has always been, about solving our problems and healing our traumas in a safe space, free of shame, blame and regrets.
As mentioned in the last newsletter, we will offer our workshops and courses for free to those of you who cannot afford to pay for an education at this moment. The political situation in the world is tense, which results—for various reasons—in a difficult financial situation for most of us. We recognize this, and we want that our contribution to this world is a positive one. We will start up our first course after New Years, as soon as we have enough participants. So if you have read about our courses, and want to participate, it will speed things up if you bring a friend as well.
With the course, we will meet once a week, for an hour and a half, and the first course is believed to be completed in eight weeks. If we need to practice more, we will prolong it, to make sure everyone benefits fully from the course. You can read more about the content on our web-page. The direct link for the first course is listed below.
The link to tonight’s workshop is here: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87289017765?pwd=SDU2NmIzOFk4YmMyT2I0ZTg5NTRDUT09
If you are asked for a passcode, please use this one: 016376
Enjoy your day!
Ole and Linda

If you have any questions or comments, please let us know: https://www.innate.one/contact/
Go here to sign up for our first course, or to reserve your spot in the next workshop: https://www.innate.one/contact/
Read more about the first course here: https://www.innate.one/courses/1-perceiving-and-quantifying/
If you want to receive our newsletter directly in your email, please SUBSCRIBE by sending us a message here: https://www.innate.one/contact/
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