Tomorrow, Sunday March 12 2023, we meet for a free workshop, at 20:30 CET. The topic will be the world situation, how it affects us, even if we don’t watch television or listen to the radio. The main goal will be calming and strengthening ourselves in these rather chaotic times.
Remember that it is always OK to share information on what we are up to with your friends and family, if you think they will benefit from our work as well, so if you want to invite a friend for tomorrow evening, please do.
We are getting ready for the fair in Kristiansand the weekend of March 24-26, and we are very exited! Ole will do his lecture series, and we hope to meet lots of people ready to take responsibility for their life and their destiny. Come see us if you are in the area! We will be on stand number 35, in the very center of the mess hall.
Also, check out our upgraded website. We are having classes in April and May, with a limited number of seats, so don’t wait to sign up if you know you want to participate.
Here is the link for tomorrows workshop:
If you need a pass code, please use this one: 190319
We look forward to seeing you tomorrow evening. It has been a while, so we are exited about hearing how you all are doing!
Saturday salutations from
Ole and Linda

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