Sensing and Healing

This course will teach you how to control your own attention and why it is important. It will give you exercises that help you learn the skills needed to start finding and healing unsolved conflicts and traumas.



Welcome to a course where we almost exclusively will exercise your skills needed to reliably and at will tune in to feelings and body perceptions. This is a first step on the way to access and comprehend the side of life known as karma.

We will do exercises that are so simple, that you may laugh and even say, it is not necessary to try them out. But I encourage you to do each and every exercise diligently to not only get the gist of it, but really reinforce these powerful, yet INNATE abilities.

The ability to objectively perceive makes it possible to connect an issue to an often very well disguised cause, that may well lie behind the veils of time and space, erased from memory and obscured by death.

When a cause is identified, it can be healed telepathically using focused, loving intentional attention.

You will get initial methods and tools for systematic and efficient work, intended for the healing process.

The ability to validate a problem and to know if it is burdensome or barely noticeable is crucial. This helps us get things in perspective in a supernatural world, which actually has none.

So stay tuned for some big surprises!


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