Read what others have experiences together with Ole and his unique INNATE method

If you had experiences with the method please share it with others to help them make a decision on whether INNATE could be a solution for them.

Send us a few words through our contact form.

“I find conversations with Ole very constructive. He makes it easier and safer to feel uncomfortable feelings and old traumas. He helps me illuminate what needs to be worked on, at the same time he gives me good and useful ways to continue working on my own.”

Lise – Single sessions

“Previously, I have gone in various forms of conventional therapy. In my experience these therapies consists mostly of conversations where I spend an enormous amount of energy recalling old traumas…

Therapy sessions with Ole Klit Blente are fundamentally different. I experience progress after every session, without being drained of energy.”

Veronica Lindholm – Session course – 16 sessions

“I have worked intensively with Ole for nearly two months, and it hasn’t just been easy.

Some days I just felt like crawling under the covers. Other days I felt that NOW it’s enough with the digging. It doesn’t matter any more.
But the brilliant thing is that Ole has such a light, wise and understanding approach to both the human part of me that doesn’t want to continue, and at the same time he focuses on the spiritual part of me that actually wants and needs help.”

Client – Session course – 16 sessions

“My daughter lost her father in a car accident shortly before her sixth birthday, and the chock got stuck in her system. She had not been able to go into the pain to any great extent, but it haunted her, and it had gradually gotten worse.

After a panic attack I contacted Ole Blente, who has provided invaluable help in the form of simple but trustworthy visualization exercises with immediate effect. My daughter expressed that she had had the best day in a long time (not knowing that she had received trauma treatment), and I see a distinct change in her…

I am deeply grateful for the help Ole has given us, and I give him my warmest recommendations.”

Kristina Kjørmo – Single sessions – child

“Ole has a unique ability to help you listen to yourself and what goes on inside you, both physically, emotionally and spiritually. With his calm and pleasant voice he makes you feel safe and cared for, and he has also helped me finding my own inner calm. We also did visualization exercises, where we addressed each topic to release pressure on all areas, and this made it so much easier to understand how to restore peace and calm within oneself and in one’s emotional field.
I am forever grateful to have had the opportunity to have this beautiful soul in my life!”

Hedda Marlene – Single sessions

“I know that a ton of things were released today, old patterns were dismantled giving room for more light and love. Thank you for everything you give and share. I have felt a tremendous inner peace ever since I left.”

Naysja – Single session

“We had gotten in two tiny kittens that had been abandoned outside. Me and my wife are used to dealing with cats, and thought it would be OK. But it wasn’t. The two kittens would neither eat nor drink. Soon they just lied there like in a haze.

That’s when we got hold of Ole Klit Blente. We didn’t need to say many words before he contacted the kittens and «talked» to them for a moment. It was almost like turning a switch. The kittens became awake, and in a matter of half an hour they had eaten, played with their toy mouse, and were lying closely together in a deep, well-deserved sleep.
I dread the thought of what would have happened if we hadn’t gotten a hold of Ole when we did. Thank you very much for your help!”

Vidar and Carina – Single session – animals

Working with Ole has given me an entirely new understanding of my own traumas, and how they can be healed with very simple techniques and methods.

I have never before experienced trauma therapy this simple and this effective.”

Client – Session course – 16 sessions

I knew from partaking in one of your free courses and from some of the other stuff that I have looked at, that what you’re offering and what you know, the knowledge that you have and how you share it, was going to help me tremendously. It already has. I know that I’m going in the right direction when it gets confirmed in multiple ways. And so, there has been confirmation after confirmation after confirmation for me…”

David – Live class – Level #1

“… if you are genuinely ready to let go of old traumas holding you back both consciously and unconsciously, dampening you own light and stopping you from experiencing good health and a prosperous life, I can warmly recommend Ole Klit Blente.

Personally, it feels like this process has saved my life. <3″

Client – Session course – 16 sessions

“What Ole did that day, and the awareness he raised in all of us, was pure magic. He made me understand that I could communicate with my own body and get all the answers I need from it. I asked my back why it was tense, and I eventually found out that there was a lot of emotion stored in my lower back. We worked actively on releasing these emotional blockages; I listened to it, gave it love and comforted it. The next day the pain was completely gone, and I understood that Ole had helped me understand my own processes, and how to deal with them by giving me the tools to go into myself intentionally, with understanding, adding peace, calm and love.”

Student – Workshop – live

“I used to be exhausted and drained of energy going home from therapy, with puffy eyes and heavy feet. Now I can continue my day after a therapy session, with renewed energy and strength. And not the least with hope and belief that it is actually possible to be free of severe trauma.”

Veronica – Session course – 16 sessions

“I think the thing that I got the most out of this is the difference between feelings and perceptions in my body, and tools to give me an idea of how to step outside of myself and view things from a different perspective. From the other person’s perspective. That was incredibly helpful.

And being able to turn my attention to myself in a loving way and receive that; that was very powerful too.

So, I find that all of your methods, the way that you’re presenting this, and the way that this has gone. It has been up and down and all over, and that makes it fun. I’ve really enjoyed the group of people here, and everybody’s transparency and willingness to participate in this. And I will be doing this again in the future.”

Student – Live class – Level #1

“… For me, the traumas have gotten stuck in my physical body, after many years of anxiety and freeze/flight/fight response. Even if I cannot prove it, I know that the cancer came as a result of many years with several ongoing traumatizing incidents.

When the traumas have become so entrenched that they actually materializes in the body, one cannot expect to heal from a simple session. But still I feel that the healing process have been incredibly quick.”

Client – Session course – 16 sessions

“… When I met Ole I immediately felt at ease as he has a very authentic, calm but also playful energy about him…”

Student – Live workshop

“When you are sick, your thoughts will automatically go to the place where you hurt or have an illness. But mere thoughts do not dissolve or cure anything.

To the contrary, Ole has made me aware that attentive, loving, caring and purposeful presence might be the key that dissolves the traumas.

“Talking” to the body, and collaborating on its terms, doesn’t only give quick response, but also quick healing.

With psycho motor physiotherapy and other forms of trauma therapy a lot of the same can be achieved. But the fact that Ole adds the spiritual aspect in the process, and understands what happens from a holistic perspective, lifts the treatment to a whole new level.

I cannot praise Ole enough, and what he has done for me.”

Veronica Lindholm – Session course – 16 sessions

“I highly recommend the INNATE method to anyone who struggle with traumas and inner conflicts.”

Kirsten-Marie Halland – Session course – 10 sessions